Assessment of Suitability for Improvement of the Munbon Operation and Maintenance Project Using Rapid Appraisal Process

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Patcharawan Mentaem
Amorntape Jaroensook
Jutithep Vongphet
Chaiyapong Thepprasit


Suitability assessment is for improving the Munbon Operation and Maintenance Project by using rapid appraisal process (RAP) as an internal assessment index for the canal system and its operation service and social order. These indices are to identify problems and sort out their severity level leading to effective approaches for project improvement. Results revealed that the water canal system and operations showed damage surpassing their service life, resulting in the project's assessment results which were in moderate criteria at the score of 1.88 out of 4.0. While of the main canal, second-level canals, and third-level canals. Their work performance and Service, social aspect, and order are 2.19, 1.87, 1.65, 1.79 and 1.92 respectirely indicating a need for improvement and satisfactory performance. To enhance the project's potential, it is imperative to concentrate on improving water user organizations. This can be achieved by developing a comprehensive plan for organizational development, encouraging active participation in water management associations, and modernizing the water delivery system with a modernizing technology system.

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สาขาวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ (Engineering)


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