Effect of Tannin Concentrate on Seed Germination of Cannabis RSU 01

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Chichaya Jantassana
Pranot Maniin


The purpose of this research was to study the effect of tannin concentration on seed germination of cannabis RSU 01: the effect of tannins on the germination of cannabis seeds by using a completely randomized controlled method (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments. 3 repeats with treatment 1 using distilled water; treatments 2, 3, 4, and 5 using tannin at concentrations of 300, 600, 1,200, and 1,500 mg/l. Then all seeds were cultivated: planting between papers and watering according to the above treatments. Germination data of cannabis plants collected: germination seeds, dead seeds, normal seedlings, abnormal seedlings, shoot length, root length, leaf length, weight of fresh shoot seedling, weight of fresh seedling roots, weight of dry shoot seedling. and weight of dry seedling roots. Calculated percentage of germination, statistical analysis showed that the amount of tannin with distilled water gave the highest germination percentage and the highest normal seedling in part of Cannabis RSU 01 seeds. The amount of tannin with a tannin concentration of 300–1500 mg/L gave the lowest germination, normal seedling percentage, and increased dead seed.

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สาขาพืชศาสตร์ (Plant Sciences)


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