Arrangement Disaster Earthquake Learnings Center on Chiang Rai Fault Line
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Chiang Rai province is located on five fault zones which can possibly cause earthquake magnitude of about 4.9-6.9 of the Richter scale and can totally damage buildings and permanent residences. Preparation for earthquake disaster before, during, and after earthquake occurring is therefore essential to reduce the damage in the future by enhancing knowledge and understanding in the preparation for earthquake disasters that may occur.
This article aimed to study the design and construction of the Earthquake Disaster Learning Center along the Chiang Rai earthquake faults to be a learning center dealing with earthquake disasters. The center displayed Earthquake exhibition, Real-time earthquake, technology for presenting earthquake information (Application), temporary homes for victims (a real-size), and an educational training room with training courses for disaster preparation. These were to build up body of knowledge base on participatory learning through Earthquake Disaster Learnings Center. The results of this study were temporary houses constructed to be learning center for people in the area and those who are interested in it this matter.
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