Improvement of pedestal for universal design surrounding Forest Resource Management Office No.7, Government Center, Khon Kaen Province

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Nitiwadee Tongpong
Nichakorn Hengrasmee
Teeraphat Nongharnpitak
Kanokwan Puangkoom
Phamai Sa-ngiamsak
Pakaramai Khamprasit


This article is a qualitative study surveying the surroundings of Forest Resource Management Office No.7, Government Center, Khon Kaen Province. The staff surveyed the area by using a wheelchair to simulate the physical disabilities. The data collection instruments included a checklist, observation, and photography. After that, the obtained data were summarized as a design guideline for improvement. 

The results of the survey revealed that the pedestal was damaged and narrow with garbage scattered around. There were also obstacles on the pedestal. Therefore, the government should seriously take these problems into account. The pedestal should be repaired and maintained. It should also share some area of the Government Center by moving the boundary fence into the Government Center’s area to increase the pedestal area. The pedestal and the bike lane should be clearly separated. The transportation facilities as well as wheelchair ramps and crosswalks should be provided. The area with large trees should be designed to be a small park. Safety and wellbeing improvement for users are also required.

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How to Cite
Tongpong, N., Hengrasmee, N. ., Nongharnpitak, T., Puangkoom, K. ., Sa-ngiamsak, P. ., & Khamprasit, P. . (2021). Improvement of pedestal for universal design surrounding Forest Resource Management Office No.7, Government Center, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Building Energy & Environment, 4(2), 23–32. Retrieved from
Research article


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