Guideline of Educational Building development for Evaluation Energy efficiency : Case study of Educational Building and Operational Technology at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
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Sustainable development about energy saving for Educational Building, It is found that part of the problem is from building design that does not take into account the building’s energy conservation guidelines. In accordance with the Thai energy and environmental sustainability assessment standard values.
This research is a part of the promotion of energy efficiency in Educational Building. According to the building improvement guidelines from the energy conservation building criteria. Building energy simulation case study of Educational Building and Operational Technology at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Define of standard values Thai Energy and Environmental Sustainability Assessment. In accordance with the evaluation criteria of 2009 using BEC v.1.0.6 program as Building energy simulation method for evaluating comparative analysis.
The study results building energy conservation guidelines: a case study that can be improved to be an energy conservation building and select materials building envelope with a low heat transfer coefficient (U-Value) to wall building Southwest side. Change to structure of a half-brick wall plastered with a smooth painted to lightweight concrete (Density 1,280 kg/m³) and adding a shading devices of aluminum composite materials in accordance with the original design of the building.
Which from the above improvements will be able to make the building heat transfer value of the exterior wall (OTTV) decreased 33.52% and total energy use decreased 38,495.2 kWh/Year and construction cost for building improvements for development to energy conservation buildings. Change to guideline of Educational Building development for Evaluation Energy efficiency. It will help the university to save cost for paying electricity costs approximately 162,834.70 baht/year. Payback period is 6.9 years after the construction of the building.
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