A Study of Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai in Chi River Basin

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Supachock Sonthichai
Artiyaporn Sinprasert


This article aims to explain a status of academic outputs in study of Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai in Chi River Basin. The review of this article is based on 35 samples of academic outputs published during 1984-2017 A.D., i.e. texts, research reports, articles, conference papers and theses, then to present all analyzed data by description In difference of Spatial Ability space relationship to migration a study of Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai in Chi River Basin and some related areas assumption and education in different of Spatial Ability to migration speculation of ethnic groups. The importance of the cultural landscape (Cultural landscape) The social, cultural, and economic structures linked to government in the period Which has identified relevant educational guidelines in the study found: 1)Spatial Organization 2)Culture Ecology 3)Historic Sites that affect Characteristics of ethnic groups or ethnic groups(Ethnographic Landscape) There are various study approaches and some related areas into 35main contents, study to area and cultural contexts from the vernacular house study overallobjectives of study Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai in Chi River Basin into 2 types ofinformation. 1) Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai in Chi River Basin into 12 main contents,2)Spatial Ability of Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng –Tai into 23 main contents, to promotean interdisciplinary study.
And obtained a rationale from the study that Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai have displaced immigrants. But most of them live in the boundaries of the central and northeastern regions of Thailand. Thus, resulting in an integrated culture Because it is a community that interacts with both regions.
From the study of Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai in different residential areas Causing changes from the original Both in tradition the traditional tradition that fades away. Including the style of architecture that adjusts the lives Affecting the house that has been modified to add more space by using modern materials and construction technology to replace

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How to Cite
Sonthichai, S., & Sinprasert, A. (2019). A Study of Migration Ethnics Groups of Boeng -Tai in Chi River Basin. Journal of Building Energy & Environment, 2(1), 66–79. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bee/article/view/18
Research article


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