Triassic radiolarian assemblages from the chert-clastic rock sequences in the Kanchanaburi area, western Thailand
Triassic, Radiolarian, Sibumasu, Palaeo-Tethys, Kanchanburi, ThailandAbstract
Early to early Late Triassic radiolarian assemblages have been identified in the chert-clastic rock sequences in the Kanchanaburi area, western Thailand. These rock sequences consist of well-bedded chert a few centimeters thick alternating with thin-films of shale and interbedded with siliceous shale and sometimes quartz-rich sandstone. The radiolarian assemblages are; the Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis, Eptingium nakasekoi, Triassocampe deweveri, Spine A2 and Muelleritirtis cocholeata assemblages of Early-to-early Late Triassic, which are known from Japan, USA, Russian Far East, European Tethys, northwestern Peninsular Malaysia, Philippines, and several areas in Thailand. The occurrence of the Early to early Late Triassic radiolarians from bedded chert sequences in this area suggests that the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean and Panthalassa Ocean were probably connected by seaways at this time and might have shared the same oceanic circulation system. Forty-five species belonging to 23 genera and five unidentified radiolarians with type A to E of radiolarian spines are investigated. These radiolarian-bearing rocks seem to have been deposited in a hemipelagic environment at the continental slope of the eastern margin of the Sibumasu Terrane. The occurrence of early Late Triassic radiolarians from bedded chert sequences in the Kanchanaburi area indicates that the closure of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean occurred at least after early Late Triassic time.
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