Granites and Mineral Belts: I – Southern Thailand
Granites, Mineral belts, Southern Thailand, Petrography, Ages, Magnetic susceptibility, REE contentsAbstract
Granites under investigation in southern Thailand are divided into 3 belts, namely Eastern Belt, Central Belt, and Western Belt, and each belt lies approximately in the north-south direction. These granite belts with the overall length of at least 2,800 km form parts of the main granite belts of the country and Mainland Southeast Asia. The granites of the Eastern Belt occur as small plutons in the southernmost part of Thailand and perhaps extend from the Loei tectonic belt. The objectives of this research are to document geology of these granites, distribution of mineral deposits and belts, and results on magnetic susceptivity and radioactives of the studied granites. Field investigation shows that granites exhibit both equigranular and porphyritic textures. Both have blackish gray to white colours, and leucogranites are more common in the Western Belt. Two granite suites are classified based on mineralogical criteria, and they can be separated tectonically by the Pattanni Suture. The first suite is hornblende – biotite granites and biotite granites mainly occurring in the Eastern Belt. On the basis of petrochemical data, they belong to the I-type affinity and magnetite granite suites with the inferred ages of 280 - 222 Ma. The second type includes the biotite – muscovite granites and biotite granites which genetically belongs to the S-type affinity and ilmenite series. These granites occurred in the Central Belt occurring in 227 – 200 Ma and the Western Belt with the ages ranging from 80 to 55 Ma. Based on both field and economic geology data, the mineral belts identified belong to Sn-W-REE belt and lies within the Western and Central belts. Moreover, gold and copper mineral belt can also be identified and lies within the Eastern Belt and perhaps located within the Loei tectonic belt. Additionally, it is recognized that biotite - muscovite granites related to Sn – W mineral deposits invariably yield the higher contents of radioactive elements and lower contents of magnetic susceptibilities than the hornblende -biotite granites. This scenario can help to delineate more appropriate mineral zonation and potential mining areas within the region.
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