
  • Muhammad Mustadza Mazni Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia, Headquarters
  • Norbert Simon Geology Program, Department of Earth Science and Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Anuar Ishak Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia, Headquarters
  • Abd Rahim Harun Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia, Headquarters
  • Zamri Ramli Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia, Headquarters
  • Dana Badang Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia, Sarawak
  • Che Aziz Ali Geology Program, Department of Earth Science and Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Digital Platform, Geoheritage, Malaysian Geosites, MYGeotapak


Undeterred by the interrupted local and global activities due to the current health crisis, the Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia (JMG) has boosted its promotion of geological sites and related information to the public. The JMG has initiated the creation of a smartphone application called ‘MYGeotapak’, which directly translates to ‘Malaysian Geosites’ in English. Initially, the application was solely for within-department and expert use. Given the significance of sharing such a platform to the public, its second version will be soon available for public use. Both versions include information on Malaysian geosites. The first version was successfully launched in early March 2020 in collaboration with the Malaysian Geoheritage Group and local university representatives. Surprisingly, it garnered 205 views on YouTube, 241 application downloads and 240 user manual downloads in eight months. The sites containing this material were also visited by more than 1,047 viewers. However, the first version is not available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. The continuous effort by the JMG to promote Malaysian geosites resulted in the second version of the application, which contains hundreds of potential geosites around the country. The current version also boasts innovative and interactive tools, which are an improvement from its predecessor. This latest application, which is currently in its prototype phase, follows the ISO MS1759 (geology) standard. This user-friendly application suits the requirements of the general public. This application is part of JMG’s effort to promote awareness amongst the public on the significance and wonders of geological heritage in the country. It also serves as an alternative for the roadshows often carried out around the country before the pandemic. Other efforts for conservation and promotion of geosites in Malaysia are currently being planned and will be utilising the digital platform.


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How to Cite

Mazni, M. M., Simon, N., Ishak, A. ., Harun, A. R. ., Ramli, Z., Badang, D. ., & Ali, C. . A. (2022). BOOSTING THE PROMOTION OF MALAYSIAN GEOSITES THROUGH DIGITAL PLATFORM IN THE NEW NORMAL TIMES. Thai Geoscience Journal, 3(3), 10–19. retrieved from



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