Additional occurrence report on early Carboniferous radiolarians from southern peninsular Thailand
Carboniferous, depositional setting, paleogeography, Paleotethys Ocean, radiolarian fauna, Sibumasu terraneAbstract
Moderately-preserved radiolarians have been identified from black chert interbedded with layers of medium- to coarse-grained sandstone and variegated siliceous shale outcropped at a quarry near Ka Bang, Songkhla Province, southern peninsular Thailand. The following radiolarians (13 species belonging to seven genera) were identified and systematically investigated: namely Albaillella sp., Ceratoikiscum sp., Stigmosphaerostylus variospina, Stigmosphaerostylus cfr. vulgaris, Stigmosphaerostylus cfr. delvolei, Stigmosphaerostylus sp., Stigmosphaerostylus? sp. A, Stigmosphae[1]rostylus? sp. B, Stigmosphaerostylus? sp. C, Trilonche? sp., Spongentactnia exilispina, Pylentonema antiqia, and Archocyrtium sp. These radiolarians indicate the Tournaisian–Visean, Mississippian (early Carboniferous) in age. The present authors have already reported a Tournaisian radiolarian fauna which is slightly older than the present fauna from black bedded chert in the Saba Yoi- -Kabang area. This is an additional report on the occurrence of early Carboniferous radiolarians from southern peninsular Thailand. The radiolarian-bearing chert reported in this study may have been deposited in the upper continental rise to open deep-sea basins within the Paleotethys Ocean on the basis of the lithological and radiolarian characteristics.
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