The Man Who Made Impact – The Scientific Work of Dr Sangad Bunopas
biography, cometary impact, loess, Quaternary stratigraphy, Shan-Thai Terrane, tectonics, ThailandAbstract
Sangad Bunopas published extensively on the geology of Thailand and left a legacy of maps, reports, stratigraphic nomenclature and insightful papers covering most of the kingdom. His 1981 PhD thesis published in 1982 laid the foundation of modern Thai stratigraphy. His highly cited papers on the tectonics of South East Asia, often with Professor Paul Vella, were based on Sangad’s extraordinary first-hand knowledge of Thai geology which allowed him to draw the first reliable tectonic subdivisions of the whole country. Although controversial at the time, these tectonic subdivisions and hypotheses have since been accepted as generally correct in that the Shan-Thai Terrane (as part of Sibumasu) rifted from Australian crust in the early Permian, drifted and warmed as it crossed the Palaeotethyan Ocean and collided with the Indochina Terrane in the late Triassic. His stimulating palaeomagnetically constrained, combined palinspastic-palaeogeographic maps for the Permian to Cenozoic were well in advance at the time and have not been attempted again in the subsequent 40 years.
His controversial later work, which attempted to explain the widespread, anomalous loess in northeast Thailand, the Australasian tektite strewn field, the fluvial deposits in Nakhon Ratchasima (Khorat) Province and their middle Pleistocene faunas and flora as the result of a cometary impact at 788 ka has received some support and some criticism but has nevertheless stimulated a considerable research and a lot of discussion.
Over more than 50 years, Sangad made many major contributions to Thai geology, South East Asian tectonics and meteoritic research. His wit, wisdom and iconoclastic approach to earth and planetary science will be sorely missed by his numerous friends and colleagues.
Barnes, V. E. 1971. Description and origin of 12.8-kg layered tektite from Thailand (abstract). Meteoritics. 6 (4), 249.
Barnes, V.E. & Pitakpaivan, K. 1962. Origin of Indochinite tektites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 48, 947-955.
Bunopas, S. 1961. Report on the geology and mineral deposits at Huai Tad-Bang Kud, Chiangmai. DMR Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1962. Report on investigations of lignite and oil shale deposits, Li, Lamphun. Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1967. Report on the investigation of geology of Amphoe Song – Rong Khwang, Phrae Province, Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1969. Report on the geology of Amphoe Tha Pla-Nam Pat and Pha Som Dam. Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1966. Upper Miocene – Pleistocene Stratigraphy and the Paleontology of Gladstone, Wararapa New Zealand. Unpublished M.Sc.Thesis, Geology Deparment, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Bunopas, S. 1971a. On the geology and stratigraphy of the Nam Phrom Dam and its vicinities. Geological Society of Thailand Newsletter, 4, 17-40.
Bunopas, S. 1971b. Jurassic beach sandstone. Mineral Resources Gazette. 16 (1), 40-48.
Bunopas, S. 1972a. Preliminary report on the geological survey of Phitsanalok Quadrangle, 1;250,000 map. Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1972b. Brief note on the Phitsanalok Sheet. Geological Society of Thailand Newsletter. 4, (1-3), 17-40.
Bunopas, S. 1973. On the tin deposit in Rayong Bay, eastern gulf of Thailand. Geological Society of Thailand Newsletter. 6 (5-6), 120-128.
Bunopas, S. 1974a. On the Lower Palaeozoic rocks in Thailand. Geological Society of Thailand Newsletter. 7 (3), 61-83.
Bunopas, S. 1974b. Geological map of Changwat Phitsanalok, 1:250,000. Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1975a. On the Carboniferous volcanic sequence and red beds at Khao Luang, Sukhothai. Department of Geological Sciences, Chiang Mai University. Special Paper 1. Proceedings of the Conference on the Geology of Thailand, 1973. 2, 39-40.
Bunopas, S. 1975b. Permo-Triassic rocks in the Lansang Fault Zone. Department of Geological Sciences, Chiang Mai University. Special Paper 1. Proceedings of the Conference on the Geology of Thailand, 1973. 1, 39-40
Bunopas, S. 1976a. On the stratigraphic successions in Thailand- A preliminary summary. Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand. 2, 31-58
Bunopas, S. 1976b. Geology and Mineral Resources of Phitsanalok. Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok. Report on Investigations. 16 Parts 1 and 2, 1-217, 30 plates.
Bunopas, S. 1976c. Geological map of Nakhon Sawan, 1;250,000 series. Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1976d. Geological map of Suphanburi, 1;250,000 series. Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1980. Geology and mineral resources of Changwat Nakhon Sawan. Department of Mineral Resources, Geological Survey Report 1. Bangkok.
Bunopas, S. 1985. Review on tectonic events of northeastern Thailand (abstract). Conference on geology and mineral resources development of the northeast, Thailand, Khon Kaen University.
Bunopas, S. 1980. Geology and Mineral Resources of Changwat Nakhon Sawan Quadrangle, Department of Mineral Resources, Geological Survey Report 1.
Bunopas, S. 1981. Paleogeographic history of western Thailand and adjacent parts of Southeast Asia - a plate tectonics interpretation, Ph.D Thesis, 810 pp., University of Wellington, New Zealand, 1981. 810 pp., 164 figs., 21 tables.
Bunopas, S. 1982. Palaeogeographic history of Western Thailand and adjacent parts of Southeast Asia. Geological Survey of Thailand Paper 5, Royal Thai Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand. 1-810 pp 164 figs., 21 tables.
Bunopas, S. 1983. Paleozoic succession in Thailand. In: Nutalaya, P., ed., Proceedings of the Workshop on Stratigraphic Correlation of Thailand and Malaysia (Vol. 1). Haad Yai, Thailand. 39–76.
Bunopas, S. 1989. Tektites-Their origin and the continental catastrophic destruction in NE Thailand and Indochina. Abstract. Pacific Science Congress, Seoul, Korea.
Bunopas, S. 1990. Tektites-Their origin and the continental catastrophic destruction in NE Thailand and Indochina. Proc. of the 16th Conf. on Sciences and Technology of Thailand, 25-27 October, 1990, Bangkok. p. 512-513.
Bunopas, S. 1992a. Tektites - Their origin and the Early Quaternary catastrophic destruction in Northeastern Thailand and south Indochina. proceedings 29th international geological congress. 24 Augt.- 3 Sept. 1992. Kyoto, Japan, Abstracts Vol. 3 (3), II-12-4 0-8 2114, p. 650.
Bunopas, S. 1992b. Regional Stratigraphic Correlation in Thailand. In: Piancharoen, C., ed., Proceedings of the National Conference on Geological Resources of Thailand: Potential for Future Development. Department of Mineral Resources. Bangkok, Thailand: 189–208.
Bunopas, S. 1994. The Regional Stratigraphy, Paleogeographic and tectonic events of Thailand and Continental Southeast Asia. In: Angsuwathana, P., Wongwanich, T., Tansathien, W., et al., eds., Proceeding of the International Symposium on Stratigraphic Correlation of Southeast Asia, 2–24
Bunopas, S. 2021. Australasian Pleistocene cometary impact and its effects in Thailand. Thai Geoscience Journal, 2(1).
Bunopas, S., & Bunjitradulya, S. 1975. Geology of Amphoe Bo Phloi, north Kanchanaburi, with special notes on the ‘Kanchanaburi Series’. Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand 1, 51-67.
Bunopas, S., Burrett, C. & Hada, S. 1990. Stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of the upper Paleozoicearly Mesozoic continental collision in Thailand (abstract). Proc. Dev. Geol. Thailand year 2000, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
Bunopas, S., Fontaine, H., Salyapongse, S. & Vachard, D. 1983. Permian paleogeography in southeast Thailand evidenced by new discoveries. Journal Geological Society of Thailand. 6, 17-21.
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Bunopas, S., Khositanont, S., & Wasson, J. T. 1997. Evidence of the Early Global Disaster and Destruction from Extraterrestrial Impacts Comet in Northeast Thailand and South Indochina within the Australian Tektites Field: The last Mass Extinction, (extended abstract). Proc. of the national conf. on stratigraphy and tectonics evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. 19-24 August. 1997, Bangkok, Thailand, 434-435.
Bunopas, S., Muenlek, S., & Tansuwan, V. 1978. Geology of Tarutao Island. Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand. 6, 121–138.
Bunopas, S., Pitakpaivan, K., & Sukroo, J. 1978. Preliminary palaeomagnetic results from Thailand sedimentary rocks. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia, Nutalaya, P. (ed.). Bangkok. 24-32.
Bunopas, S., & Vella, P. 1978. Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic structural evolution of northern Thailand: a plate tectonic model. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia, Nutalaya, P. (ed.). Bangkok, 133–140.
Bunopas, S., & Vella, P. 1983a. Tectonic and geologic evolution of Thailand. In: Nutalaya, P. (ed.) Proceedings Of the Workshop on stratigraphic correlation of Thailand and Malaysia, Haad Yai, Thailand, 8-10 September 1983, Tech. Paper 1, 307-323.
Bunopas, S., & Vella, P. 1983b. Opening of the Gulf of Thailand - rifting of continental Southeast Asia, and late Cenozoic Tectonics, Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand, 6, 1-12.
Bunopas, S., & Vella, P. 1984. Phuket-Kaeng Krachan Group, A rifted continental margin deposit with effect of ice-rafting from Gondwana. Abstr. paper presented at GEOSEA V., 9-13 April, Kuala Lumpur.
Bunopas, S., & Vella, P. 1989. “Pebbly mudstones”, A composited assemblage of ice-rafted sediments on the western rifted marginal basin of Shan-Thai while drifting away from Gondwana during the Upper Paleozoic. Proceedings of the 4th Intern. Symp. On Pre-Jurassic East Asia, IGCP Project 224. Hat Yai and Langkawi Island, Thailand and Malaysia, 24 April-2 May 1989.
Bunopas, S., Vella, P. Fontaine, H., Hada, S., Burrett, C., Haines, P. Howard, K. T. & Khositanont, S. 2003. The Pleistocene epeirogenesis, rapid vertical uplifting of the western mountains of Thailand in the late active himalayan extrusional continuum at 0.8 Ma impact, Journal of Geological Society of Thailand.
Bunopas, S., Vella, P., Hada, S., Fontaine, H., Burrett, C., Haines, P., Khositanont, S. & Howard, K.T., 2001. Australasian tektites and catastrophic products enclosed in impact ejecta horizon from the Buntharik Impact Event in Thailand. Symposium on Rodinia, Gondwana and Asia, Osaka, Japan, Gondwana Research 4 (4), 586.
Bunopas, S., Vella, P. Hada, S., Fontaine, H., Burrett, C., Haines, P., Khositanont, S. & Howard, K. T. 2002. Australasian tektites and catastrophic products enclosed in impact ejecta horizon from the Buntharik Impact Event in Thailand on old surface gravel beds marked real-time Asian Quaternary correlation, In: N. Mantajit (ed.), The Symposium on Geology of Thailand (GEOTHAI 2002), Bangkok, Thailand, 181-187.
Bunopas, S., Vella, P., Hada, S, Fontaine, H., Haines, P.W., Burrett, C., Potisat, S. Wongwanich, T., Chaodamrong, P., Khositanont, S. & Howard, K.T. 2003. The Khorat Plateau early Quaternary vertically uplifting after long Cenozoic cratonization of the Mesozoic Khorat Group, its northeast tilting diverted Mae Khong River before the 0.8 Ma cometary impact catastroloess and the overflowing Mid-Pleistocene Burirum Basalt. 1st International Conference on Paleontology of Southeast Asia, Mahasarakham University Journal 22, Special Issue.
Bunopas, S., Vella, P., Fontaine, H., Hada, S., Burrett, C., Haines P., Howard K. T. & Khositanont. S., 2004. Did Shan-Thai Twice Mary with Indochina and India? Discovery Quaternary Pushed-Pulled Himalayan Extensional Continuum Heritage to Major vertical Crustal Uplifting Inthanon Epeirogenesis, That Also Tilted Khorat Plateau Northeastwards Diverting Mae Khong River From Tonle Sap Prior to Buntharik Event, 0.8 MA Cometary Impact, Biriram Basalt And Asian Glacial Age. International Confernce on the Geologic Evolution of East and Southeast Asia. Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, 8-14 February 2004, Asia Hotel, Bangkok. (Full paper in the print in 2005)
Bunopas, S., Vella, P., Fontaine H., Hada S., Burrett C., Haines P., Howard K. T. & Khositanont S. 2005. Latest Pliocene to early M. Pleistocene Inthanon Epeirogenesis, 2.0-0.65 Ma, in north Thailand connecting to late Himalayan extrusion continuum: An application of extraterrestrial / terrestrial real-time layer of catastroloess from Buntharik Cometary Impact Event (new). Proceeding of the International Conference on Geology, Geotecnology and Mineral Resources of Indochina. GEOINDO 2005, 28-30 Nov. 2005, Kosa Hotel, Khon Kaen. pp. 468-499.
Bunopas, S., Vella, P., Fontaine, H., Hada, S., Burrett, C., Haines, P., Khositanont, S., Chintasakul, P., Chaodamrong, P., Charusiri, P. & Howard, K. T. 2007. Australasian Cometary Impact, O.8ma3 Catastroloess Buried Alive Miocene1, Pliocene2 Faunas In Thailand And Central Australia, And Tektite-Bearing Flood Deposits In Ne. Thailand, New World’s Discovery Extinction Age In Thailand (Indochina), and Australia Impact Fields4. (GEOTHAI’07). International Conference on Geology of Thailand: Towards Sustainable Development and Sufficiency Economy, 21-22 November, Imeral Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 30-43.
Bunopas, S., Wasson, J. T., Vella, P., Fontaine, H., Hada, S., Burrett, C., Suphajanya, Th. & Khositanont, S. 1999a. Catastrophic loess, mass mortality and forest fires suggest that a Pleistocene cometary impact in Thailand caused the Australasian tektite field. Journal Geological Society of Thailand. 1999 (1), 142-151.
Bunopas, S., Wasson, J. T., Vella, P., Fontaine, H., Hada, S., Burrett, C., Suphajanya, Th. & Khositanont, S. 1999c. Ancient analogs of burial alive extinction of the mastodons in catastroloess in Thailand, and of the last dinosaurs (in eggs) in Gobi Desert: further on tektites. Symposium on Mineral, Energy and Water Resources of Thailand: Towards the year 2000, October 28-29 1999, Bangkok, Thailand: 168-177.
Bunopas, S., Wasson, J. T., Vella, P., Fontaine, H., Hada, S., Burrett, C. & Khositanont, S., 1998. The early extraterrestrial collision with a whole comet in the Australasian tektite field, apparent evidences and discoveries from Thailand and East Asia (abstract). Geosea ’98. Ninth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia. 17-19 August 1998, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Programme and Abstracts. 191-192.
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