Regolith-landform mapping of the Gnaweeda Greenstone Belt, western Australia
ASTER data, Geochemical exploration, Mineral exploration, Regolith, Regolith-landform, Regolith-landform mapAbstract
Regolith-landform mapping of the Gnaweeda Greenstone Belt located at Meekatharra, Western Australia. It was conducted at a scale of 1: 100,000, covering the Turnberry Au prospect and the Mistletoe Au deposit, in order to assist mineral exploration in this area. Understanding the regolith is a fundamental tool in developing and establishing effective mineral exploration techniques in regolith-dominated terrain. Apart from mineral exploration, knowledge of regolith also applies to natural resource management as it links many facets of the natural environment. The process of map production begins with creating a preliminary regolith-landform map using aerial photographs and ASTER data. Unit identification and digitization on screen were performed. Field verification was conducted along the tracks where access was possible. A preliminary map, field observation and all available data were brought together in order to compile a finalmap.The regolith-landformin this area consists offourteen units.Five types oflandforms are recognized: depositional plain, erosional plain, alluvial plain, sandplain and erosional rise. The landform is dominated by depositional plains.
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