Exploring the Ethiopian Museum Design Student Project: Contributions to an American Interior Design Program’s Accreditation
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An American Interior Design program, located at a large University in the Midwestern United States of America sought key evidence of their students’ compliance with the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) standards, in preparation for their 2021 accreditation site visit. Accreditation standards continue to evolve and are a recognized measure of interior design programs’ competence. Programs are required to develop an exhibit of student work for initial accreditation or their periodic site visits for re-accreditation, to write a report, and to provide key evidence of competency with several standards. In 2021, due to the global pandemic, the site visit exhibit was produced in a digital format and the site visitors reviewed all documentation online. University researchers pre-reviewed the digital inputs and outputs from 25 courses for the exhibit, including the students’ Ethiopian Museum Design project produced during three-year period, 2019-2021. This Ethiopian Museum Design project was completed during the interior design students’ third year course, Interior Design Studio IV: Environmental Design, which covers lighting and thermal/atmospheric comfort and their application using computer-aided and drafted techniques. Although museum projects are often assigned to students enrolled in interior design and architecture undergraduate programs, no previously published studies of interior design students’ museum projects’ compliance with interior design standards were found. Researchers found that the studied museum project contributed key evidence to four standards: Global Context, Human-Centered Design, Light and Color and Construction. The CIDA site visitors reviewed the program documents in 2020 and the Interior Design Program was notified of accreditation.
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