Guidelines Furniture Design for Wisdom Local Materials in Community Floating Markets Central Region

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Piyawan Pinkaew
Supachock Sonthichai
Artiyaporn Sinprasert


In this research, Qualitative Research Methodology of Guidelines furniture design for wisdom local materials in Community floating markets central region and considering the study area from the sample area that is still clear in the old cultural context, living together in the form of a community, a local economic group. Therefore, consider the river basin communities in the Amphawa Canal area that are still evident in the present day. is the case of the sample area to develop the concept to the design of lighting furniture. For residential condominiums (Condominiums in urban communities) interviewing groups of people living in river basin communities in Khlong Amphawa area from the current condition and people who come to travel in the community area Therefore found important issues affecting the approach to product design.

That environmental factors can cause the shape of the product to change constantly. An important issue is the change in contemporary society in accordance with the common cultural context of the local communities. consideration of usability May not always be a factor in the fundamentals of the current product design approach in 3 issues: 1. Conceptual framework for designing lighting furniture. 2. The transport movement of the product in relation to its use. And 3. Design value and space identity area.

Should take into account the uniqueness of the shape that conveys the spatial identity. The physical environment in the area is always present. It's one thing that helps promote the product that is designed. There are more distinct creative differences, including price and transportation, easy installation and adjustment in position to fit in the activity. It is one of the important considerations for marketing in order to develop into production base expansion through cost-effectiveness considerations.

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How to Cite
Pinkaew, P., Sonthichai, S., & Sinprasert, A. . (2021). Guidelines Furniture Design for Wisdom Local Materials in Community Floating Markets Central Region. Journal of Building Energy & Environment, 4(2), 33–48. retrieved from
Research article


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