The Guidelines for Public Urban Space Improvement to Increase Quality and which are Responsive to Khon Kaen Citizen’s Behaviors and Satisfaction

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Khemchote Pooprasert
ภัทระ ไมตระรัตน์
เมธาวิน เถาว์ชาลี


This dissertation purpose is to evaluate the satisfaction and understanding of Khon Kaen citizen about Public Urban Space of the city, by surveying method with the sample size is 400 samples. The 6 dimensions, are considered on analyzing in order to develop the quality Public Urban Space, are 1) City structure 2) Awareness 3) Social and culture 4) Perspective 5) Roles and responsibilities and 6) Timing phenomenon. As a result of the research, Khon Kaen Citizen understands Public Urban Space of both inside and outside, however absorbing to local lifestyle with different level of satisfaction but with the same social and culture foundation.

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How to Cite
Pooprasert, K. ., ไมตระรัตน์ ภ., & เถาว์ชาลี เ. (2021). The Guidelines for Public Urban Space Improvement to Increase Quality and which are Responsive to Khon Kaen Citizen’s Behaviors and Satisfaction. Journal of Building Energy & Environment, 4(1), 92–115. retrieved from
Research article


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