Indoor Air Quality Improvement in Office: Case Study of Interior Renovation for Office Use
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Indoor air quality in an office has a direct impact to people who are working in the office space. The objective of this research is to study how to improve indoor air quality in a case study of interior renovation for office usage from small in commercial buildings which has the, amount of carbon dioxide exceeds the standard level. Carbon dioxide level during 07:00 – 19:00 hrs. in selected office were collected. Alternative ways of solving high CO2 problem by introducing fresh air from outside the building were tested and measured. Both methods of bringing outdoor fresh air into the space through openings passively and actively were explored. Outdoor ventilation using active method drawn fresh air by the volume that complied with ASHRAE 62.1 standard.
It has been found that supplying fresh air into office spaces passively could not reduce the CO2 level below the standard. Using ventilation fan to supply outdoor air into the space could reduce amount of carbon dioxide below the standard level at 1000 ppm. However, air filters should also be used to control the amount of PM 2.5 dust and PM 10 dust to the standard level.
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