Environment Factors of Primary Schools Building in Nakhon Rachasima province
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Urban environment is an area with density of buildings and traffic affecting temperature pollution, where is higher than non-urban area. That area may affect the environment of building, especially non-air conditioned school buildings. Propose of this article were as; to study and analysis the environmental factors of urban schools with different sizes and; to analysis and compare the environment factors of those sampled schools. Four primary schools in Nakhon Rachasima province were selected as samples. Fundamental data from field survey was conducted by taking photographs, observation and recording data to compare and analysis the environment factors of the sample. The study revealed that there were different compositions as in inspect of; (1) location, characteristics and height of building in the vicinity, (2) utilization of open space outside the school buildings e.g. the proportion of hard surfacesand green area and (3) building model affecting the utilization of school building’s environment;especially large size school in urban areas that had various educational and number of user perarea was in high density.
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