Improving the Energy Performance of a Convention Center Building
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Energy-efficient design is becoming very important not only for the depletion rate of energy resources but also for the reduction of the carbon dioxide gas emission. To be able to obtain the highest efficiency with the lowest energy consumption several measures can be taken such as the improvements of envelope’s thermal performance, ,and the use of active and passive systems.
In this study, improvement suggestions for the application of an energy-efficient conference center located in Soma, Manisa (in Turkey), a province with a semi-humid climate, have been examined. Different strategies have been presented by using passive and active solutions to meet the credentials of the “Net Zero Energy Building” or “Approximate Zero Energy Building.” First, the three-dimensional energy model of the building was created through the eQUEST program by using the current plan and other building specifics. Buildings cause significant energy consumption during their life-span and consequently, environmental effects are integral. For the second stage of the study, the energy improvement method of the conference was achieved by proposing different layers in the building elements, whilst PV panels being mentioned as an active solution. In line with the strategies created, changes in energy performance were evaluated through the eQUEST program. According to the energy analysis results data of the “Current Situation” and “Improvement Scenarios” on the annual use of the Conference Center Building, total energy efficiency increases by 26%. This performance is achieved with an efficiency of 19% in electricity consumption and 38% in gas consumption, and an increase in energy performance is observed with a decrease in total energy consumption. In addition, it has been observed that a total of 223.1 MWh can be achieved annually with 525 modules installed on the green roof using “PVsyst” program for photovoltaic panels, which are proposed to be integrated as renewable energy sources.
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