View-out and Dementia in Elderly
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A study was aimed to explore the effect of view-out on dementia in Thai elderly in hospital. There were two types of view-out to be investigated their effects. The first type was no window/view-out and the second was a natural view. The study was explored in both single ward and shared word in hospital. The experiment was carried out in a laboratory room in Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University, using Virtual Reality (VR) technique. Subjects evaluated VR environment using dementia measurement, which were wayfinding questionnaire. Then, data of this study was analysed using a Paired t-test. The results suggested that both single room and shared room in hospital with natural view could create better wayfinding performance of Thai elderly than those without.
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กระทรวงสาธารณะสุข. (2554). ความรู้และการดูแลผู้ป่วยโรคสมองเสื่อมสำหรับญาติและผู้ดูแล. ชลบุรี: ศูนย์สมเด็จพระสังฆราชเพื่อผู้สูงอายุ.
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