Temporary Lighting Laboratories at Two Universities: Comparison of Methodologies for Research Projects in Thailand and USA
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Lighting technology is rapidly evolving and therefore, permanent university lighting research laboratory installations are becoming more scarce. Even when available, permanent university lighting laboratories may become obsolete within a short time period. Worldwide, some researchers have developed temporary laboratory setups which allow them to meet their project needs without the longterm university infrastructure commitments, updates, and maintenance considerations of permanent lighting labs. The purpose of this presentation is to compare the methodologies utilized in two recently completed lighting studies at universities located in Thailand and the United States of America (USA), 13,801 kilometers (8,576 miles) apart. A comparison of laboratory setups, equipment and supplies, financial investments, and study participants are presented. Photographic documentation of the lighting
setups, equipment lists, and associated costs are included. Although the researchers did not previously have any contact before or during the respective study periods, their strategies to develop temporary lighting setups had a few main similarities: overall costs, the use of human subjects, participant sampling methods, the reliance on electrical extension cords and the location of their studies in education spaces at their respective Universities. The purpose of each lighting study differed. Procedures, lighting equipment, supplies and furniture, study period, project costs and human subjects’ involvement times and incentives differed.
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