Towards green cities in developing countries: a case study of Khon Kaen City

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Pattamaporn Wongwiriya


With the rapid urbanization in many cities in developing countries, urban traffic congestion and environment issue are becoming increasingly rigorous and prominent. How to become green cities is raised as the mandatory urban development issue all over the world. Green transportation is a low-carbon and environmental traveling mode which is one of the significant aspects to support the green city concept. This paper examines the pedestrians’ perception on the Glangmuang road walkability perspective to support Khon Kaen green city by revealing the situation of green transport mode, walking, in Khon Kaen City. Towards green cities in developing countries, green transportation should be promoted. It is not only good for the decrease of energy consumption, the ease of traffic congestion, and the improvement of air quality but also, as a return to leisure and healthy lifestyles, good for the improvement of citizen’s quality of life.

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How to Cite
Wongwiriya, P. (2019). Towards green cities in developing countries: a case study of Khon Kaen City. Journal of Building Energy & Environment, 2(1), 44–49. retrieved from
Research article


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