Tick Tock: An International Student Workshop Exploring Lighting Design Factors in the Hospitality Industry

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Greg Clare
Paulette R. Hébert
Chitra Singh


Researchers conducted a lighting design methods workshop exploring circadian rhythm factors that may impact travelers staying in hotel rooms. Students attended separate workshops conducted in Mexico and the United States of America. During the workshop in each country students first attended a one-hour lecture about circadian rhythm lighting design considerations followed by a one-hour hands-on exploration of existing and retrofitted lighting designs in hotel rooms that included light bulbs designed to produce circadian entrainment effects. Spectrometers, surveys, spectrum actigraphy watches and light meters were used to teach students ways to measure traveler and hotel room lighting design factors. Placement of various types of light bulbs in specific areas of hotel rooms may contribute to sleep disruption and entrainment of circadian rhythms. Students gained knowledge of lighting design approaches that could influence travelers’ hotel stay experiences. Students worked in small to teams to propose lighting design interventions that could influence the spectral profile within hotel rooms with the goal of entraining circadian rhythms. The workshop facilitators and students discussed their proposed lighting designs as a group.

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How to Cite
Clare, G., Hébert, P. R., & Singh, C. (2019). Tick Tock: An International Student Workshop Exploring Lighting Design Factors in the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Building Energy & Environment, 2(1), 17–32. retrieved from https://ph03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bee/article/view/14
Research article


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