Physical Growth of the Children in Phitsanulok: A Comparison Between Those with Normal and Undernutrition
age, gender, nutrition, heightAbstract
Child growth reflects hereditary patterns and environmental constituents. To reveal the ages at onset of growth spurt (OGS) and at peak height velocity (PHV), the present study investigated the height of 255 Phitsanulok children in relation to their age, gender and nutritional condition. In the normal nutritional (NN) group, the obtained results on ages (years + standard deviation) at OGS were 10.68 + 0.34 for girls and 11.44 + 0.30 for boys, and ages at PHV were 12.50 + 0.31 for girls and 14.49 + 0.30 for boys. In the undernutritioned (UN) group, the OGS and PHV for UN girls, as well as the OGS for UN boys, were more retarded than those in the NN condition. However, UN boys possessed an earlier age at PHV, when compared with NN boys. The data obtained in this study may be valuable for children’s health-related professionals to determine and provide an appropriate prevention and/or treatment.
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