Effects of Saline Soils on Culms and Culm Strands of Cyperus Corymbosus Rottb
Saline soil, Soil series, Cyperus corymbosus Rottb, Tensile strengthAbstract
The objectives of these studies were to evaluate the chemical compositions of Cyperus Corymbosus culms and the tensile strength of the culm strands. The samples were collected at Nong Bo District Maha Sarakham province using plots of Roi Et Saline series and Udon Series. It was found that before planting the electrical conductivity of soil saturation extracted (ECe) from plots of Roi Et Saline series and Udon Series was high and differed extremely. Also the ECe from plots of Roi Et Saline series and Udon Series extremely decreased after harvesting and were not significantly different (0.05). The chemical compositions indicated that the average content of ash, moisture and extractives (ethanol-benzene) of culms of Cyperus Corymbosus planted in Roi Et saline series and Udon series plots were not significantly different while the content of the lignin, alpha cellulose and holocellulose were found to differ significantly. The culms of Cyperus Corymbosus planted in Roi Et saline plots showed higher lignin, alpha-cellulose and holocellulose than that of planted in Udon series plots. The tensile strengths of the culm strands from Udon and Roi Et saline series plots were not significantly different (0.05). This shows that Cyperus corymbosus can decrease the salinity of soil and produce quality products from the culm strands in saline soil.
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