Study in Total Phenolic Contents, Antioxidant Activity and Analysis of Glucosinolate Compounds in Cruciferous Vegetables
Glucosinolates, Antioxidant activities, Phenolic compounds, Cauliflower, KaleAbstract
This research studied in the investigation of total phenolic compounds contents, antioxidant activity and analysis of glucosinolate compounds in cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, kale, choy, cabbage and cauliflower obtained from the Royal Project Foundation, Thailand. Crude extracts were extracted from dried samples prepared via two different drying methods; 1) an oven-drying method (at 70°C) and 2) a freeze-drying method. It was found that all crude extracts from freeze-dried samples showed higher total phenolic contents and better antioxidant activity than those from oven-dried samples. Freeze-dried kale crude extracts showed the highest total phenolic contents and the best antioxidant activity. The analysis of glucosinolate compounds, including sinigrin, progoitrin, glucotropaeolin and glucoraphanin, in all crude extracts was determined. The glucotropaeolin was the major glucosinolate component in all crude extracts. In addition, the types and amounts of glucosinolate compounds in all crude extracts from freeze-dried samples were higher than those from oven-dried samples.
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