GC-MS analysis and in vitro anti-androgenic activity of Kaempferia rotunda Linn extract
Kaempferia rotunda, Anti-androgen, 5α-Reductase, GC-MS, SesquiterpenesAbstract
Testosterone is converted to a more potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by 5α-reductase and causes various hormonal actions. Anti-androgen can be used for the treatment of several disorders related to male sex hormone. In this study, the in vitro anti-androgenic activity and chemical components of hexane, dicholomethane and ethanolic extracts of Kaempferia rotunda Linn. rhizome were investigated. The various concentrations of extracts were tested on anti-androgenic activity by acting against the conversion of testosterone. The hexane extract was the most potent (IC50 = 0.43 ± 0.10 mg/mL) and showed the IC50 value in the same range to that of positive control; ethinylestradiol (IC50 = 0.26 ± 0.02 mg/mL). The different chemical profiles of all extracts studied were observed by GC-MS. The results indicated that most of volatile components including mono- and sesquiterpenes were present in hexane extract. Further studies on isolation and identification of active components are needed. This plant might be a new source for anti-androgens.
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