Yield and Some Nutritional Elements of Pleurotus sajor-caju Cultivated with Golden Apple Snail Supplement
Pleurotus sajor-caju, Mushroom, Golden apple snail, Yield, Nutritional elements, Rubber tree sawdustAbstract
Increasing of yield and essential elements with a supplement on cultivation of mushroom is an excellent food source to reduce nutritional deficiency. The effect of golden apple snail liquid organic fertilizer (GAS-LOF) supplementing on yield and nutritional elements (Ca, Fe, Zn, and Cu) of Pleurotus sajor-caju cultivated on the rubber tree sawdust substrate was studied. Pleurotus sajor-caju mushroom was cultivated in rubber tree sawdust (RTS) with 0 up to 5% GAS-LOF supplement. The highest yield was obtained from substrate combination 4% GAS-LOF, giving an average increase of 23.40% (210.17 grams per bag) higher than that obtained from the control. The nutritional elements content of Pleurotus sajor-caju fruiting bodies, harvested from different substrate combinations. The highest amount of calcium (62.18±0.88 mg/100g dry weight) and iron (27.41±2.16 mg/100g dry weight) were found in RTS substrate supplemented with 4% GAS-LOF. Whereas, zinc (8.50±0.58 mg/100g dry weight) and copper (3.27±0.28 mg/100g dry weight) were highest for the substrate supplemented with 5% GAS-LOF. The addition of GAS-LOF into RTS significantly enhanced the yield and nutritional elements compared to control.
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